📚 Hub Books: Онлайн-чтение книгПсихологияГолодный мозг. Как перехитрить инстинкты, которые заставляют нас переедать - Стефан Гийанэй

Голодный мозг. Как перехитрить инстинкты, которые заставляют нас переедать - Стефан Гийанэй




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155 «развилось ожирение»: J. P. Thaler, C.– X. Yi, E. A. Schur, S. J. Guyenet, B. H. Hwang, M. O. Dietrich, et al., Obesity Is Associated with Hypothalamic Injury in Rodents and Humans, Journal of Clinical Investigation 122, no. 1 (January 3, 2012): 153–62.

156 «страдающих от избыточного веса»: Ibid.; E. A. Schur, S. J. Melhorn, S.-K. Oh, J. M. Lacy, K. E. Berkseth, S. J. Guyenet, et al., Radiologic Evidence That Hypothalamic Gliosis Is Associated with Obesity and Insulin Re sis tance in Humans, Obesity (Silver Spring, MD) 23, no. 11 (November 2015): 2142–48.

157 «всяком случае у мышей»: K. E. Berkseth, S. J. Guyenet, S. J. Melhorn, D. Lee, J. P. Thaler, E. A. Schur, et al., Hypothalamic Gliosis Associated with High- Fat Diet Feeding Is Reversible in Mice: A Combined Immunohistochemical and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study, Endocrinology 155, no. 8 (August 2014): 2858–67.

157 «кишечная микробиота»: P. D. Cani, J. Amar, M. A. Iglesias, M. Poggi, C. Knauf, D. Bastelica, et al., Metabolic Endotoxemia Initiates Obesity and Insulin Re sis tance, Diabetes 56, no. 7 (July 2007): 1761–72.

157 «меньшей степени способствует ожирению»: S. C. Benoit, C. J. Kemp, C. F. Elias, W. Abplanalp, J. P. Herman, S. Migrenne, et al., Palmitic Acid Mediates Hypothalamic Insulin Resistance by Altering PKC-? Subcellular Localization in Rodents, Journal of Clinical Investigation 119, no. 9 (September 1, 2009): 2577–89.

157 с «еще одно последствие»: L. Ozcan, A. S. Ergin, A. Lu, J. Chung, S. Sarkar, D. Nie, et al., Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Plays a Central Role in Development of Leptin Re sis tance, Cell Metabolism 9, no. 1 (January 7, 2009): 35–51.

157 с «клеток гипоталамуса»: J. Li, Y. Tang, and D. Cai, IKKβ/NF- κB Disrupts Adult Hypothalamic Neural Stem Cells to Mediate Neurodegenerative Mechanism of Dietary Obesity and Pre- Diabetes, Nature Cell Biology 14, no. 10 (October 2012): 999–1012.

158 «праздники заканчиваются»: J. A. Yanovski, S. Z. Yanovski, K. N. Sovik, T. T. Nguyen, P. M. O’Neil, and N. G. Sebring, A Prospective Study of Holiday Weight Gain, New Eng land Journal of Medicine 342, no. 12 (March 23, 2000): 861–67.

158 «приводит к резистентности»: Z. A. Knight, K. S. Hannan, M. L. Greenberg, and J. M. Friedman, Hyperleptinemia Is Required for the Development of Leptin Re sis tance, PLOS ONE 5, no. 6 (2010): e11376; K. M. Gamber, L. Huo, S. Ha, J. E. Hairston, S. Greeley, and C. Bjørbæk, Over- Expression of Leptin Receptors in Hypothalamic POMC Neurons Increases Susceptibility to Diet- Induced Obesity, PLOS ONE 7, no. 1 (January 20, 2012): e30485; C. L. White, A. Whittington, M. J. Barnes, Z. Wang, G. A. Bray, and C. D. Morrison, HF Diets Increase Hypothalamic PTP1B and Induce Leptin Resistance Through Both Leptin- Dependent and Independent Mechanisms, American Journal of Physiology— Endocrinology and Metabolism 296, no. 2 (February 2009): E291–E299.

158 «изменение количества потребляемых калорий»: C. Chin- Chance, K. S. Polonsky, and D. A. Schoeller, Twenty-Four- Hour Leptin Levels Respond to Cumulative Short-Term Energy Imbalance and Predict Subsequent Intake, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 85, no. 8 (August 2000): 2685–91.

159 «заданное значение липостата»: White, Whittington, Barnes, Wang, Bray, and Morrison, HF Diets Increase Hypothalamic PTP1B; Y. Ravussin, C. A. LeDuc, K. Watanabe, B. R. Mueller, A. Skowronski, M. Rosenbaum, et al., Effects of Chronic Leptin Infusion on Subsequent Body Weight and Composition in Mice: Can Body Weight Set Point Be Reset? Molecular Metabolism 3, no. 4 (March 5, 2014): 432–40.

159 «высококалорийными продуктами»: E. A. Schur, N. M. Kleinhans, J. Goldberg, D. Buchwald, M. W. Schwartz, and K. Maravilla, Activation in Brain Energy Regulation and Reward Centers by Food Cues Varies with Choice of Visual Stimulus, International Journal of Obesity 33, no. 6 (April 14, 2009): 653–61.

162 «сила реакции на эти раздражители ослабевает»: S. Mehta, S. J. Melhorn, A. Smeraglio, V. Tyagi, T. Grabowski, M. W. Schwartz, et al., Regional Brain Response to Visual Food Cues Is a Marker of Satiety That Predicts Food Choice, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 96, no. 5 (November 1, 2012): 989–99.

163 «съесть еще этой пищи»: H. J. Grill and R. Norgren, Chronically Decerebrate Rats Demonstrate Satiation but Not Bait Shyness, Science 201, no. 4352 (July 21, 1978): 267–69.

164 «производит кишечник во время процесса»: R. J. Seeley, H. J. Grill, and J. M. Kaplan, Neurological Dissociation of Gastrointestinal and Metabolic Contributions to Meal Size Control, Behavioral Neuroscience 108, no. 2 (1994): 347–52; H. J. Grill and G. P. Smith, Cholecystokinin Decreases Sucrose Intake in Chronic Decerebrate Rats, American Journal of Physiology— Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 254, no. 6 (June 1, 1988): R853–R856.

165 «на мозг на прямую»: Guyenet and Schwartz, Regulation of Food Intake.»

165 «только что съеденной пищи»: H. J. Grill and M. R. Hayes, Hindbrain Neurons as an Essential Hub in the Neuroanatomically Distributed Control of Energy Balance, Cell Metabolism 16, no. 3 (September 5, 2012): 296–309.

166 «съедаемой в следующий раз»: J. M. Kaplan, R. J. Seeley, and H. J. Grill, Daily Caloric Intake in Intact and Chronic Decerebrate Rats, Behavioral Neuroscience 107, no. 5 (October 1993): 876–81.

166 «на объем съедаемой пищи»: Grill and Hayes, Hindbrain Neurons.

166 «нейронов из ядра одиночного пути»: Car ter, Soden, Zweifel, and Palmiter, Ge ne tic Identifi cation; Shah, Vong, Olson, Koda, Krashes, Ye, et al., MC4R- Expressing Glutamatergic Neurons.

166 «адипозности изменяется в течение длительного времени»: Guyenet and Schwartz, Regulation of Food Intake.

167 «резистентность к лептину»: A. S. Bruce, L. M. Holsen, R. J. Chambers, L. E. Martin, W. M. Brooks, J. R. Zarcone, et al., Obese Children Show Hyperactivation to Food Pictures in Brain Networks Linked to Motivation, Reward and Cognitive Control, International Journal of Obesity 34, no. 10 (October 2010): 1494–500.

167 «сытым от небольшого количества калорий»: S. H. Holt, J. C. Miller, P. Petocz, and E. Farmakalidis, A Satiety Index of Common Foods, Eu ro pean Journal of Clinical Nutrition 49, no. 9 (September 1995): 675–90.

168 «латерального гипоталамуса»: T. H. Park and K. D. Carr, Neuroanatomical Patterns of Fos- Like Immunoreactivity Induced by a Palatable Meal and Meal- Paired Environment in Saline- and Naltrexone- Treated Rats, Brain Research 805, nos. 1,2 (September 14, 1998): 169–80.

168 «не чувствовать голода»: Ibid.; C. Jiang, R. Fogel, and X. Zhang, Lateral Hypothalamus Modulates Gut- Sensitive Neurons in the Dorsal Vagal Complex, Brain Research 980, no. 1 (August 1, 2003): 31–47; E. M. Parise, N. Lilly, K. Kay, A. M. Dossat, R. Seth, J. M. Overton, et al., Evidence for the Role of Hindbrain Orexin-1 Receptors in the Control of Meal Size, American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 301, no. 6 (December 2011): R1692–R1699.

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