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Министерство правды. Как роман «1984» стал культурным кодом поколений - Дориан Лински




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p. 182.

54 “Lost Week-end in Utopia” – Crossman (ed.), p. 82.

55 his friend Eva Striker– Ibid., p. 78.

56 “Who will ever forget” – David Cesarani, Arthur Koestler: The Homeless Mind (William Heinemann, 1998), p. 175.

57 “Of course I’m guilty!” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 245.

58 “All the confessions that are uttered here” – Ibid., p. 266.

59 “one is imprisoned” – Review of Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler, etc., New Statesman and Nation, January 4, 1941, CW XII, 741, p. 358.

60 “The horror which No. 1” – Koestler, p. 18.

61 “would be ready to believe” – Conquest, p. 113.

62 “an almost perfect specimen” – Orwell, Review of Darkness at Noon, CW XII, 741, p. 358.

63 “The Gletkins” – Koestler, p. 183.

64 “It was almost normal” – Orwell, CW IX, pp. 26–27.

65 Yevgeny Zamyatin’s old friend– Conquest, p. 122.

66 “How could the immortal, collective brain” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 290.

67 “Rubashov remarked jokingly” – Koestler, p. 97.

68 “We persecuted the seeds of evil” – Ibid., p. 83.

69 “oceanic sense” – Ibid., p. 204.

70 “Even the victim” and “We make the brain perfect” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 267.

71 “shallow” – Orwell, “Arthur Koestler”, CW XVI, 2548, p. 400.

72 “quasi-mystical belief ” – Ibid., p. 399.

73 “Perhaps some degree” – Ibid., p. 400.

74 “an unworthy squib” – Orwell, Review of Twilight Bar by Arthur Koestler, Tribune, November 30, 1945, CW XVII, 2808, p. 406.

75 “That was a bloody awful review” – Scammell, p. 265.

76 The two accounts of this meeting– see Ernest Hemingway, True at First Light (William Heinemann, 1999), pp. 139–40, and Paul Potts in Coppard and Crick, p. 257. Два рассказа об этих событиях: см. Хемингуэй Э. Проблеск истины / пер. Н. Красников. – М.: АСТ, 2013. 384 с.

77 “After years of war” – Orwell, “Creating Order Out of Cologne Chaos: Water Supplied from Carts”, Observer, March 23, 1945, CW XVII, 2641, p. 107.

78 “I really don’t think I’m worth the money” – Eileen Blair letter to Orwell, March 21, 1945, CW XVII, 2638, p. 96.

79 “I don’t think you understand” – Ibid., p. 99.

80 “It was a most horrible thing” – Orwell letter to Anthony Powell, April 13, 1945, CW XVII, 2656, p. 124.

81 “I don’t think he looked after her” – Arena: George Orwell.

82 “To walk through the ruined cities” – Orwell, “Future of a Ruined Germany: Rural Slum Cannot Help Europe”, Observer, April 8, 1945, CW XVII, 2654, p. 122.

83 “the whole idea of revenge” – Orwell, “Revenge Is Sour”, Tribune, November 8, 1945, CW XVII, 2786, p. 362.

84 If war criminals were herded– Orwell, “As I Please”, Tribune, January 12, 1945, CW XVII, 2603, p. 19.

85 “barbarous” and “participate at secondhand” – Orwell, “As I Please”, Tribune, November 15, 1946, CW XVIII, 3115, p. 483.

86 “another turn” – Ibid., p. 484.

87 “anti-Jew propaganda” – Orwell, “The Last Man in Europe”, CW XV, 2377, p. 269.

88 In early drafts– George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four: The Facsimile of the Extant Manuscript, ed. Peter Davison (Secker & Warburg, 1984), pp. 29–31.

89 “entirely spurious” – Orwell, CW V, p. 103.

90 “pushed out of skilled jobs” – Orwell, “As I Please”, Tribune, December 10, 1943, CW XVI, 2391, p. 23.

91 “Something, some psychological vitamin” – Orwell, “Antisemitism in Britain”, Contemporary Jewish Record, April 1945, CW XVII, p. 70.

92 “is power hunger tempered by self-deception” – Orwell, “Notes on Nationalism”, CW XVII, 2668, p. 142. Оруэлл Дж. Записки о национализме / пер. В. Голышев. 2003.

93 “the power of holding two contradictory beliefs” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 223.

94 “moral effort” – Orwell, “Notes on Nationalism”, CW XVII, 2668, p. 155. Оруэлл Дж. Записки о национализме / пер. В. Голыш ев. 2003.

95 “by people who know” – Orwell, “Antisemitism in Britain”, CW XVII, p. 70.

96 “It is obvious” – Ibid., p. 65.

97 “an ability to believe stories” – Ibid., p. 66.

98 “Nobody is searching for the truth” – Orwell, “As I Please”, Tribune, December 8, 1944, CW XVI, 2590, p. 495.

99 “a deterioration in mental efficiency” – Irving L. Janis, “Groupthink”, Psychology Today, November 1971.

100 “The general uncertainty” – Orwell, “Notes on Nationalism”, CW XVII, 2668, p. 148. Оруэлл Дж. Записки о национализме / пер. В. Голышев. 2003.

101 “There can be no doubt” – Daily Mail, June 5, 1945.

102 “second hand version” – Bew, p. 333.

103 in a 1943 poll – David Kynaston, Austerity Britain 1945–51 (Bloomsbury, 2008), p. 43.

104 “In the face of terrifying dangers” – Orwell, “London Letter”, Partisan Review, Summer 1945, CW XVII, 2672, p. 164.

105 “I was wrong on several points” – Orwell, “London Letter”, Partisan Review, Fall 1945, CW XVII, 2719, p. 246.

106 “no one was more surprised” – Bew, p. 348.

107 “that queer, dramatic, dreamlike day” and “the temporary head” – Mollie Panter-Downes, “Letter from London”, New Yorker, August 4, 1945.

108 “the fundamental decencies of life” – Bew, p. 233.

109 “in accordance with the native genius” – Ibid., p. 235.

110 “brings to the fierce struggle” – Michael Foot, Aneurin Bevan 1897–1960 (Victor Gollancz, 1997), p. 233.

111 “the invisible man” – Tribune, March 30, 1945.

112 “a recently dead fish” – Orwell, War-time Diary, May 19, 1942, CW XIII, 1182, p. 331.

113 “colourless” – Orwell, “London Letter”, CW XVII, 2719, pp. 248–49. “Some of the generals” – Lord Attlee, “The Man I Knew”, Observer, January 31, 1965.

114 “As

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