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Министерство правды. Как роман «1984» стал культурным кодом поколений - Дориан Лински




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class="p1">13 “Antisemitism. . is simply not the doctrine” – Orwell, “As I Please”, Tribune, January 28, 1944, CW XVI, 2412, p. 81.

14 “It is only that I feel” – Orwell letter to Anne Popham, March 15, 1946, CW XVIII, 2931, pp. 153–54.

15 “What I am really asking” – Orwell letter to Anne Popham, April 18, 1946, CW XVIII, 2978, p. 248.

16 “smothered under journalism” – Orwell letter to Dorothy Plowman, February 19, 1946, CW XVIII, 2903, p. 115.

17 “It will probably be an awful job” – Orwell letter to Popham, March 15, 1946, CW XVIII, 2931, p. 153.

18 “At various dinners” – Wadhams, p. x.

19 “labour-saving colonies” – Orwell, “On Housing”, Tribune, January 25, 1946 CW XVIII 2881 p. 77.

20 “One is never alone” – Orwell, “Pleasure Spots”, Tribune, January 11, 1946, CW XVIII, 2854, p. 31.

21 “conveyor-belt process” – Orwell, “The Prevention of Literature”, CW XVII, 2792, p. 378.

22 “The atom bombs are piling up” – Orwell, “Some Thoughts on the Common Toad”, Tribune, April 12, 1946, CW XVIII, 2970, p. 240.

23 Его описание типичной лавки старьевщика – Orwell, “Just Junk – But Who Could Resist It”, Evening Standard, January 5, 1946, CW XVIII, 2842, pp. 17–19.

24 “the power of holding” – Orwell, “In Front of Your Nose”, Tribune, March 22, 1946, CW XVIII, 2940, p. 162.

25 “To see what is in front of one’s nose” – Ibid., p. 163.

26 “the way in which the concern” – Coppard and Crick, p. 204.

27 “The point is that the relative freedom” – Orwell, “Freedom of the Park”, Tribune, December 7, 1945, CW XVII, 2813, p. 418.

28 “swindles and perversions” – Orwell, “Politics and the English Language”, Horizon, April 1946, CW XVII, 2815, p. 425. Оруэлл Дж. Политика и английский язык / пер. В. П. Голышев. 2003.

29 “orthodoxy, of whatever colour” – Ibid., p. 427.

30 “there is some lie” – Orwell, “Why I Write”, CW XVIII, 3007, p. 319. Оруэлл Дж. Почему я пи шу / пер. В. Ф. Мисюченко. 1988.

31 “It is bound to be a failure” – Ibid., p. 320.

32 “as shabby and dirty as ever” – Orwell, “London Letter”, Partisan Review, Summer 1946, CW XIII, 2990, p. 289.

33 “miserable, hostile old bugger” – Wadhams, p. 181.

34 “They are most annoying” – Orwell letter to David Astor, October 9, 1948, CW XIX, 3467, p. 450.

35 “not worth a bomb” – Orwell letter to Tosco Fyvel, December 31, 1947, CW XIX, 3322, p. 241.

36 “I have at last started” – Orwell letter to Humphrey Slater, September 26, 1946, CW XVIII, 3084, p. 408.

37 “It just seemed depressingly lacking in hope” – Wadhams, p. 180.

38 “one of those people” – Orwell, “Politics vs Literature: An Examination of Gulliver’s Travels”, CW XVIII, 3089, p. 418. Оруэлл Дж. Политика против литературы / пер. И. Левидова. 1988.

39 “One ought to be able” – Orwell, “Benefit of Clergy: Some Notes on Salvador Dali”, June 1, 1944, CW XVI, 2481, pp. 237–38.

40 “This book is on my side” – Orwell, “Writers and Leviathan”, CW XIX, 3364, p. 288. Оруэлл Дж. Писатели и Левиафан / пер. А. Шишкин. 1988.

41 “picking out a single hidden truth” – Orwell, “Politics vs Literature”, CW XVIII, 3089, p. 418. Оруэлл Дж. Политика против литературы / пер. И. Левидова. 1988.

42 “the brief Communist dictatorship” – H. G. Wells, “My Auto-Obituary”, Strand Magazine, vol. 1041, January 1943.

43 “He was so big a figure” – Orwell, “The True Pattern of H. G. Wells”, Manchester Evening News, August 14, 1946, reprinted in The Lost Orwell, p. 139.

44 “I told you so” – H. G. Wells, “Preface to the 1941 Edition”, The War in the Air (Penguin, 1941), p. 9.

45 “In the United States there is more money” – Review of Spearhead, ed. James Laughlin, Times Literary Supplement, April 17, 1948, CW XIX, 3380, p. 316.

46 “The Uncle Tom’s Cabin of our time” – Quoted in Rodden, The Politics of Literary Reputation, p. 44.

47 “good bad book” – Orwell, “Good Bad Books”, Tribune, November 2, 1945, CW XVII, 2780, p. 348.

48 Edmund Wilson – New Yorker, September 7, 1946.

49 “the satire deals not” – New Republic, September 2, 1946.

50 “No one is patriotic about taxes” – Orwell, War-time Diary, August 9, 1940, CW XII, 667, p. 229.

51 “fairy gold” – Wadhams, p. 151.

52 “Fairly much a leftist” – Allene Talmey, “Vogue Spotlight”, Vogue, September 15, 1946.

53 “The Americans always go one better” – Orwell, CW IV, p. 262.

54 “anti-American” – Connolly, The Evening Colonnade, p. 383.

55 “It ought to be realised” – The English People, CW XVI, 2475, p. 220.

56 “a truly remarkable book” – Review of Native Son by Richard Wright, etc., Tribune, April 26, 1940, CW XII, 616, p. 152.

57 “The world of the American novelist” – Review of Sun on the Water by L. A. G. Strong, etc., Tribune, April 12, 1940, CW XII, 610, p. 143.

58 “It is difficult to go anywhere” – Orwell, “As I Please”, Tribune, December 3, 1943, CW XVI, 2385, p. 13.

59 “This anglophile” – Richard McLaughlin letter to Tribune, December 17, 1943, ibid., pp. 14–15.

60 “The Nazis, without admitting it” – Arendt, p. 451.

61 “It is clear” – New Statesman and Nation, November 2, 1946, quoted in Kynaston, p. 134.

62 “To be anti-American nowadays” – “In Defence of Comrade Zilliacus”, August – September(?) 1947, CW XIX, 3254, p. 181.

63 “Americophobia” – Orwell, Review of The Nineteen-Twenties by Douglas Goldring, Observer, January 6, 1946, CW XVIII, 2843, p. 21.

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