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Министерство правды. Как роман «1984» стал культурным кодом поколений - Дориан Лински




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Paul Potts, To Keep a Promise (MacGibbon & Kee, 1970), p. 71.

116 “The essence of being human” – Orwell, “Reflections on Gandhi”, Partisan Review, January 1949, CW XX, 3516, p. 8.

117 Warburg thought so– See Warburg, p. 102.

118 “Everything is flourishing” – Orwell letter to David Astor, December 21, 1948, CW XIX, 3510, p. 485.

Глава 9

1 “My new book” – Orwell letter to Julian Symons, February 4, 1949, CW XX, 3541, p. 35.

2 Eileen wrote a poem – See Sally Coniam, “Orwell and the Origins of Nineteen Eighty-Four”, Times Literary Supplement, December 31, 1999.

3 “it was never possible nowadays” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 9.

4 “a beastly book” – Orwell letter to Jacintha Buddicom, February 14, 1949, CW XX, 3550, p. 42.

5 “an awful book really” – Orwell letter to Celia Kirwan (n e Paget), February 13, 1949, CW XX, 3549, p. 41.

6 “a good idea ruined” – Orwell letter to Anthony Powell, November 15, 1948, CW XIX, 3488, p. 467.

7 “I am not pleased” – Orwell letter to Warburg, October 22, 1948, CW XIX, 3477, p. 457.

8 “an expensive hobby” – Orwell letter to George Woodcock, January 12, 1949, CW XX, 3521, p. 16.

9 “it isn’t a book I would gamble on” – Orwell letter to Warburg, December 21, 1948, CW XIX, 3511, p. 486.

10 “made me spew” – Orwell letter to Brenda Salkeld, August 1934, CW X, 204, p. 347.

11 “was a good idea” – Orwell letter to Leonard Moore, 3 October 1934, CW X, 209, p. 351.

12 “any life when viewed” – “Benefit of Clergy”, CW XVI, 2481, p. 234.

13 “that I was idling” – Orwell, “Notes from Orwell’s Last literary Notebook”, CW XX, 3725, p. 204.

14 “schoolboyish sensationalism” – Times Literary Supplement, June 10, 1949, reprinted in Meyers (ed.), p. 256.

15 “This is amongst the most terrifying” – Fredric Warburg’s Report on Nineteen Eighty-Four, CW XIX, 3505, p. 479.

16 “I cannot but think” – Ibid., p. 481.

17 “Orwell has done what Wells never did” and “ought to be shot” – David Farrer’s Report on Nineteen Eighty-Four, December 15, 1948, CW XIX, 3506, p. 482.

18 “as though it were a thriller” – Orwell letter to Roger Senhouse, December 26, 1948, CW XIX, 3513, p. 487.

19 “We hope you might be interested” – Eugene Reynal letter to J. Edgar Hoover, April 22, 1949.

20 “mucked about” – Orwell letter to Leonard Moore, March 17, 1949, CW XX, 3575, p. 67.

21 Warburg estimated– See Warburg, p. 110.

22 “No wonder everyone hates us so” – Orwell, Diary, April 17, 1949, CW XX, 2602, p. 92.

23 “Don’t think I am making” – Orwell letter to Warburg, May 16, 1949, CW XX, 3626, p. 116.

24 “exhausted Dickens disastrously” – Orwell, Review of Dickens: His Character, Comedy and Career by Hesketh Pearson, New York Times Book Review, May 15, 1949, CW XX, 3625, p. 115.

25 “about as good a novelist” – Notes for “Evelyn Waugh”, 1949, CW XX, 3586, p. 79.

26 “a sort of grown-upness” – Orwell letter to Wiadomsci, February 25, 1949, CW XX, 3553, p. 47.

27 “They would get hold of five kilograms” – Ibid., p. 95.

28 “a novel of character” – Fredric Warburg’s Report on His Visit to Orwell, June 14, 1949, CW XX, 3645, p. 132.

29 “frightful cigarettes” – Daily Mirror, December 14, 1954.

30 “an inexhaustible rocket fuel” – John Lehmann, quoted in Spurling, p. 53.

31 “With a round Renoir face” – Stephen Spender, journal entry, December 24, 1980, in New Selected Journals 1939–1995, ed. Lara Feigel and John Sutherland with Natasha Spender (Faber & Faber, 2012), p. 586.

32 “My own father had died” – Spurling, p. 27.

33 “meanwhile take care” – Orwell letter to Sonia Brownell, April 12, 1947, CW XIX, 3212, p. 124.

34 “so-called humanism” – Spurling, p. 77.

35 “a bag of wind” – Orwell letter to Warburg, October 22, 1948, CW XIX, 3477, p. 457.

36 “I’m good at spotting people” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 128.

37 “her youth and prettiness” – Spurling, p. 93.

38 “atmosphere of hockey-fields” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 12.

39 “only a rebel” – Ibid., p. 163.

40 “It was characteristic” – Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four: The Facsimile, p. 101.

41 “ ‘Who cares?’ ” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 161.

42 “The Nazis explained” – Randall Swingler, “The Right to Free Expression”, Polemic, no. 5, September – October 1946, CW XVIII, 3090, pp. 433–34.

43 “The ideal subject” – Arendt, p. 622.

44 “In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world” – Ibid., p. 500.

45 “dual standard of thought” – Orwell, “The Last Man in Europe”, CW XV, 2377, p. 368.

46 fifty thousand TV licences– Kynaston, p. 305.

47 “some kind of mental instability” – Quoted in Gordon Bowker, George Orwell (Hachette Digital, 2003), p. 162.

48 “I would like to reassure” – Joe Moran, Armchair Nation (Profile, 2013), p. 27.

49 “The only person” – Arendt, p. 444.

50 “asleep or awake” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 29.

51 “infallible and all-powerful” – Ibid., p. 216.

52 “His portrait is seen” – Crossman (ed.), p. 191.

53 “the insoluble mystery”, etc. – Boris Souvarine, Stalin: A Critical Survey of Bolshevism, trans. C. L. R. James (Secker & Warburg, 1939), p. xiii.

54 “The chief qualification” – Arendt, p. 456.

55 “Does he exist” and “As long as you live” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 272.

56 “Fantasmagoric effect” – Orwell, “The Last Man in Europe”, CW XV, 2377, p. 368.


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