Эффект негативности. Как способность замечать плохое трансформирует нашу реальность - Джон Терни
72 в одном таком эксперименте: E. Anderson, E. H. Siegel, E. Bliss-Moreau, and L. F. Barrett, «The Visual Impact of Gossip,» Science 332 (2011): 1446–48.
72 тестом «Струпа»: F. Pratto and O. P. John, «Automatic Vigilance: The Attention-Grabbing Power of Negative Social Information,» Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 61 (1991): 380–91.
72 рефлекс «отпрянуть»: G. J. Norman et al., «Current Emotion Research in Psychophysiology: The Neurobiology of Evaluative Bivalence,» Emotion Review 3 (2011): 349–59, https://doi.org/10.1177/1754073911402403.
73 Чтобы проверить гибкость: W. A. Cunningham, J. J. Van Bavel, and I. Johnsen Haas, «Affective Flexibility: Evaluative Processing Goals Shape Amygdala Activity,» Psychological Science 19 (2008): 152–60.
73 миндалевидное тело продолжает искать: M. W. Schlund and M. F. Cataldo, «Amygdala Involvement in Human Avoidance, Escape and Approach Behavior,» Neuroimage 53 (2010): 769–76.
74 нарушением работы миндалевидного тела: J. A. Weller, I. P. Levin, B. Shiv, and A. Bechara, «Neural Correlates of Adaptive Decision Making for Risky Gains and Losses,» Psychological Science 18 (2007): 958–64.
75 из двух игровых карт: T. D. Satterthwaite et al., «Dissociable but Inter-related Systems of Cognitive Control and Reward During Decision Making: Evidence from Pupillometry and Event-Related fMRI,» Neuroimage 37 (2007): 1017–31.
75 боятся неосознанно: G. Hochman and E. Yechiam, «Loss Aversion in the Eye and in the Heart: The Autonomic Nervous System’s Responses to Losses,» Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 24 (2011): 140–56.
78 создавали «позитивные иллюзии»: S. E. Taylor, M. E. Kemeny, G. M. Reed, J. E. Bower, and T. L. Gruenewald, «Psychological Resources, Positive Illusions, and Health,» American Psychologist 55 (2000): 99–109, and S. E. Taylor, «Adjustment to Threatening Events: A Theory of Cognitive Adaptation,» American Psychologist 38 (1983): 1161–73.
78 мобилизация и минимизация: S. E. Taylor, «Asymmetrical Effects of Positive and Negative Events: The Mobilization-Minimization Hypothesis,» Psychological Bulletin 110 (1991): 67–85.
81 в лечении депрессии: R. J. DeRubeis, G. J. Siegle, and S. D. Hollon, «Cognitive Therapy Versus Medication for Depression: Treatment Outcomes and Neural Mechanisms,» Nature Reviews Neuroscience 9 (2008): 788–96.
81 изучался так тщательно: A. C. Butler, J. E. Chapman, E. M. Forman, and A. T. Beck, «The Empirical Status of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: A Review of Meta-analyses,» Clinical Psychology Review 26 (2006): 17–31, and B. O. Olatunji, J. M. Cisler, and B. J. Deacon, «Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: A Review of Meta-analytic Findings,» Psychiatric Clinics of North America 33 (2010): 557–77.
81 ряд проблем: Academy of Cognitive Therapy, «CBT Outcome Studies,» https://www.academyofct.org/page/OutcomeStudies.
81 депрессия, тревожность, и другие нарушения: C. Otte, «Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Anxiety Disorders: Current State of the Evidence,» Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 13 (2011): 413–21, and C. K. Higa-McMillan, S. E. Francis, L. Rith-Najarian, and B. F. Chorpita, «Evidence Base Update: 50 Years of Research on Treatment for Child and Adolescent Anxiety,» Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 45 (2016): 91–113.
82 «позитивных утверждений»: D. Roditi, M. E. Robinson, and N. Litwins, «Effects of Coping Statements on Experimental Pain in Chronic Pain Patients,» Journal of Pain Research 2 (2009): 109–16, and F. D. Glogower, W. J. Fremouw, and J. C. McCroskey, «A Component Analysis of Cognitive Restructuring,» Cognitive Therapy and Research 2 (1978): 209–23.
82 из-за расслабления: H. Benson and M. Z. Klipper, The Relaxation Response (New York: William Morrow, 1975).
84 делимся информацией: W. Walker, J. J. Skowronski, J. A. Gibbons, R. J. Vogl, and T. D. Ritchie, «Why People Rehearse Their Memories: Frequency of Use and Relations to the Intensity of Emotions Associated with Autobiographical Memories,» Memory 17 (2009): 760–73.
85 монахи и практиканты: R. Jevning, R. K. Wallace, and M. Beidebach, «The Physiology of Meditation: A Review,» Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 16 (1992): 415–24, and A. Hankey, «Studies of Advanced Stages of Meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist and Vedic Traditions,» Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3 (2006): 513–21.
85 кровяное давление падает: S. L. Ooi, M. Giovino, and S. C. Pak, «Transcendental Meditation for Lowering Blood Pressure: An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses,» Complementary Therapies in Medicine 34 (2017): 26–34.
86 большой потенциал: B. Carey, «The Therapist May See You Anytime, Anywhere,» New York Times, February 13, 2012, https://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/14/health/feeling-anxious-soon-there-will-be-an-app-for-that.html?_r=0.
86 приложения для смартфона: P. M. Enock, S. G. Hofmann, and R. J. McNally, «Attention Bias Modification Training via Smartphone to Reduce Social Anxiety: A Randomized, Controlled Multi-session Experiment,» Cognitive Therapy and Research 38 (2014): 200–216, and R. Yang et al., «Effects of Cognitive Bias Modification Training via Smartphones,» Frontiers in Psychology 8 (2017): 1370.
86 чтобы понизить уровень тревожности: J. M. Kuckertz and N. Amir, «Attention Bias Modification for Anxiety and Phobias: Current Status and Future Directions,» Current Psychiatry Reports 17 (2015): 1–8; C. Mogoaşe, D. David, and E. H. Koster, «Clinical Efficacy of Attentional Bias Modification Procedures: An Updated Meta-analysis,» Journal of Clinical Psychology 70 (2014): 1133–57; and L. S. Hallion and A. M. Ruscio, «A Meta-analysis of the Effect of Cognitive Bias Modification on Anxiety and Depression,» Psychological Bulletin 137 (2011): 940–58.
86 публичное выступление: N. Amir, G. Weber, C. Beard, J. Bomyea, and C. T. Taylor, «The Effect of a Single-Session Attention Modification Program on Response to a Public-Speaking Challenge in Socially Anxious Individuals,» Journal of Abnormal Psychology 117 (2008): 860–68.
86 страх высоты: S. A. Steinman and B. A. Teachman, «Reaching New Heights: Comparing Interpretation Bias Modification to Exposure Therapy for Extreme Height Fear,» Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 82 (2014): 404–17.
90 поставив рекорд: J. Tierney, «24 Miles, 4 Minutes and 834 M.P.H., All in One Jump,» New York Times, October 14, 2012, https://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/15/us/felix-baumgartner-skydiving.html.
Глава 4: Используйте силу
91 со Стивеном Поттером: S. Potter, The Complete Upmanship, Including Gamesmanship, Lifemanship, One-Upmanship and Supermanship (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971).
92 в продуманных экспериментах: T. M. Amabile, «Brilliant but Cruel: Perceptions of Negative Evaluators,» Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 19 (1983): 146–56.
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