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Криминальное средневековье - Екатерина Александровна Мишаненкова




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Repute: Gender and Social Control in Medieval England.

Hanawalt B. A. The wealth of wives: women, law, and economy in late medieval London.

Handbook of medieval sexuality / ed. by Bullough V. L. and Brundage J. A.

Helmholz R. H. The Oxford History of the Laws of England: Volume I: The Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction from 597 to the 1640s.

Hostettler J.A History of Criminal Justice in England and Wales.

Hudson J. The Oxford History of the Laws of England Volume II: 871–1216.

Jager E. Blood royal: a true tale of crime and detection in medieval Paris.

Jones K. Gender and Petty Crime in Late Medieval England: The Local Courts in Kent, 1460–1560.

Jordan W. C. From England to France: Felony and Exile in the High Middle Ages.

Kaeuper R. W. War, Justice, and Public Order: England and France in the Later Middle Ages.

Karras R. M. Common Women: Prostitution and Sexuality in Medieval England.

Kelleher, M.A. The measure of woman: law and female identity in the crown of Aragon.

Klemettila H. Epitomes of Evil: Representations of Executioners in Northern France and the Low Countries in the Late Middle Ages.

Lacroix P. Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages and the Period of the Renaissance.

Lauer R. Venice’s Colonial Jews: Community, Identity, and Justice in Late Medieval Venetian Crete.

Law as profession and practice in medieval Europe. Essays in honour of James A. Brundage / ed. by K. Pennington and M.H. Eichbauer.

Le Goff J., The Medieval World.

Leyser H. Medieval Women.

Logan W. A., Wright R. F. Mercenary Criminal Justice.

Malegam J. Y. The sleep of Behemoth: disputing peace and violence in medieval Europe, 1000–1200.

Manners and Household Expenses of England in the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, ill. by original records.

Married Women and the Law in Premodern Northwest Europe / ed. by C. Beattie and M.F. Stevens.

Martin A. Lynn. Alcohol, sex and gender in late medieval and early modern Europe.

Martin A. Lynn. Alcohol, violence, and disorder in traditional Europe.

Martin A. Lynn. The Role of Drinking in the Male Construction of Unruly Women.

Marvin W. P. Hunting Law and Ritual in Medieval English Literature.

McCarthy C. Marriage in Medieval England: Law, Literature and Practice.

McNellis L. “Let her be taken”: Sexual Violence in Medieval England.

McSheffrey S. Seeking Sanctuary: Crime, Mercy, and Politics in English Courts, 1400–1550.

Medieval Sexuality: A Casebook / ed. by A. Harper and C. Proctor.

Mitchell L. Family life in the Middle Ages.

Monter E. W. ed. European Witchcraft.

Morrison W. Jurisprudence: From the Greeks to Post-Modernism.

Mousourakis G. Roman Law and the Origins of the Civil Law Tradition.

Muldrew C. Food, energy and the creation of industriousness: work and material culture in agrarian England, 1550–1780.

Murphy C. God’s jury: the Inquisition and the making of the modern world.

Padoa-Scioppa A. A History of Law in Europe: From the Early Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century.

Palmer R. C. The County Courts of Medieval England, 1150–1350.

Park K. Managing Childbirth and Fertility in Medieval Europe. Phillips K. A Cultural History of Women in the Middle Ages.

Pedersen F. Marriage Disputes in Medieval England.

Pennington K. Innocent III and the Ius commune.

Picard L. Chaucer’s People: Everyday Lives in Medieval England.

Pol, L. van de. The Burgher and the Whore. Prostitution in Early Modern Amsterdam.

Poos L. R. Sex, Lies, and the Church Courts of Pre-Reformation England.

Powell E. The rising in East Anglia in 1381.

Raicek M. A. Spectacularizing Justice in Late Medieval England.

Richmond C. The Paston Family in the Fifteenth Century.

Rigby S. H. The Wife of Bath, Christine de Pizan, and the Medieval Case for Women.

Robertson S. Age of Consent Laws // Children and Youth in History, 2018.

Rousseaux X. Crime, Justice and Society in Medieval and Early Modern Times: Thirty Years of Crime and Criminal Justice History.

Sabapathy J. Officers and Accountability in Medieval England 1170–1300.

Salisbury E., Donavin G., Price M. L. Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts.

Shoemaker K. Sanctuary and crime in the middle ages, 400–1500.

Singman J. L. Daily Life in Medieval Europe.

Skoda H. Medieval Violence: Physical Brutality in Northern France, 1270–1330.

Social justice in the ancient world / ed. by K.D. Irani and M. Silver.

A Social History of England, 1200–1500 / ed. by R. Horrox, W. M. Ormrod.

Stapleton S. Justice Done: Outlawry Crimes in Medieval Iceland.

Strickland J. W. Beer, Barbarism, and the Church from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages.

Summers J. Late-Medieval Prison Writing and the Politics of Autobiography.

Swift H. J. Gender, Writing, and Performance: Men Defending Women in Late Medieval France, 1440–1538.

The Art of Law: Artistic Representations and Iconography of Law and Justice in Context, from the Middle Ages to the First World War / ed. by S. Huygebaert, G. Martyn, V. Paumen, E. Bousmar, X. Rousseaux.

The history of medieval canon law in the classical period, 1140–1234: from Gratian to the decretals of Pope Gregory IX / ed. by W. Hartmann and K. Pennington.

The Oxford Handbook of Women and Gender in Medieval Europe / ed. by J. M. Bennett and R. Karras.

The Routledge History Handbook of Medieval Revolt / edited by J. Firnhaber-Baker, D. Schoenaers.

The York mercers and merchant adventurers, 1356–1917.

Thrupp S. The merchant class of the Medieval London (1300–1500).

Thiery D. Polluting the sacred: violence, faith, and the “civilizing” of parishioners in late medieval England.

Turner R. V. The English Judiciary in the Age of Glanvill and Bracton C. 1176–1239.

Vitiello J. C. Public justice and the criminal trial in late medieval Italy: Reggio Emilia in the Visconti age.

Ward J. Women in England in the Middle Age.

White S. D. The County Court in Medieval England.

Why the Middle Ages Matter: Medieval Light on Modern Injustice / ed. by C. Chazelle, S. Doubleday, F. Lifshitz, A.G. Remensnyder.

Wilson C. A. Water of Life: A History of Wine-Distilling and Spirits, 500 BC – AD 2000.

Winter C. Prisons and Punishments in Late Medieval London.

Woolgar C. M. The Culture of Food in England, 1200–1500.

Women and Credit in Pre-Industrial Europe / ed. by E.M. Dermineur.

Women and wealth in late Medieval Europe / ed. by T. Earenfight.

Women in England, c. 1275–1525: Documentary Sources / trans. and ed. by P.J.P. Goldberg.

Women’s Lives in Medieval Europe: A Sourcebook (second edition) / ed. by E. Amt.

Young, Bruce W. 2008. Family Life in the Age of Shakespeare.






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