Update the Diary - Майго




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breaks talking about beautiful things.

My friend is a shy, modest, caring, naive and indecisive girl.

She attracts people with her calm and quiet nature and is always ready to help and support her friends. Like Hestia, Yuna protects her loved ones.

Dark shoulder-length hair, brown eyes, average height and weight – her appearance is unremarkable.

* End of Dating. *

16:46. I went to the jewelry stores and found the right medallions for my parents, so I need to talk to Nora and buy them. I also went to the print shop and printed out photos of the best evening walk for the album.

18:34. Mary and Becky have a competition tomorrow. I know that she is very worried and worried, so I called her. Mary said that she would definitely wear a pendant that brings good luck and was given by her father on his 6th birthday.

23:52. We corresponded with Him again late into the night and discussed the future.

After his admission to the criminal procedure code for an athlete, we will see each other less often, but no one has canceled the correspondence in the blog, and on weekends, we will be able to go out together or with the people to entertainment centers, festivals or concerts.

01:19. Rowley called 17 times and my phone was turned off. I'll call her back later.

Bye, Diary.

Day 26.

Hello, Diary.

Today is Friday, December 9, 2068.

On the street -5 Sunny.

07:37. Mary's competition starts at 10: 30.

10: 27. My niece is very worried and this is transmitted to Becky, but I was able to calm them down.

This tournament is held in 3 stages:

1) Checking the owner's basic training skills.

Also, at this stage, they conduct a simulation of aggressive behavior of the dog in virtual reality, where I take into account the speed of reaction and decision-making of its owner.

According to the rules, at the first signs of rabies, the owner must introduce a tranquilizer to his pet, and then take it to a veterinary clinic.

2) Check the dog's abilities, its orientation skills and search for hidden objects by smell. In this part of the tournament, the pet must save the owner, who is in danger.

3) Check the interaction between the dog and its owner, perform various tricks and pass the obstacle course.

The final test is to protect the owner from attack, where the dog must immobilize the attacker while its owner reports the incident to the security services.

I'm worried about Mary, because it's probably going to be difficult for her to give Becky a sleeping pill, even if it's in virtual reality.

11:06. The first stage is complete! We were able to observe Mary's actions during the virtual test, and she managed it in 49.345 seconds. I still can't believe it. My pretty niece has no doubt put Becky to sleep, and she's become a responsible host. I'm proud of her.

We'll find out in a couple of minutes if Becky will participate in the second stage, otherwise we'll go eat our favorite pancakes.

11:12. They go through to the second stage!

Now it's cloud's turn to show what she can do for her mistress.

Her niece is worried about her, just like the rest of us.

11: 28. Cloud has passed the maze! Now she needs to find Mary's hidden purse.

11:33. She's done it! Now remains the most difficult test.

11:35. They were tested by fire. Becky must go into the burning room, find the hidden Mary, and bring her out.

11:48. As soon as our cloud heard Mary's call, it threw itself into the fire. The other dogs who were doing this task got scared and didn't go into the burning room at all, but Becky did it! She pulled the man out of the fire.

The final stage remains.

12: 14. Mary and Becky are next on the carpet, wearing identical costumes.

12:33. They had a colorful performance, rich in different tricks, they inserted a small fragment of the dance, which amazed the audience.

12:38. They passed the obstacle course! The attack remains.

12:46. I was very scared when Becky jumped on the “thief” and knocked him to the ground. I thought that she started uncontrollable aggression, but she let go of the “fraudster” and just wouldn't let him get up, scaring him by barking. During this time, Mary managed to make a call.

It's only been 36 days, and they understand each other as if they've been together all their lives. The award ceremony starts at 15: 00, so we go to the cafe for a snack.

15:16. They received a diploma of the third degree! I'm so happy. Today we should definitely hold a holiday in honor of this. With such achievements, she will definitely be able to become a dog handler in the future. We need to tell Him about it.

16:17. Mary wanted to visit her father to tell him about the tournament and introduce him to Becky, so we went to rebirth grove.

17:28. We stopped next to a maple tree. He's grown a lot since the last time I saw him. At first, I even doubted whether we came to the same tree, but the sign with the inscription: “John Lanford 2041-2067”, – has dispelled all doubts.

Nora said Hello to him and left; her sister would never accept his death. I miss John, too.

He often drove me around in his car and sometimes picked me up from school. Once the three of us (me, John and Nora) went to the sea, I was 8 years old at the time. I think that summer was the best of my life.

Mary told him a lot about Becky and how nice she was, and then she said, “Dad, It would be so nice to walk around that lake with the swans together,” and she started crying, the dog ran around trying to calm her down.

18:32. We

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