Update the Diary - Майго




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brought me in, but I woke up in my own bed.

19:52. Yuna called to find out the reason for my absence from school, and I told her everything. She promised to visit me tomorrow, and she won't be alone.

I wonder if He'll come. I think not. He has a competition on Friday, and he can't miss practice because of me.

21:49. I finished the portrait of Mary, Nora, and Becky. I wish John were with them anymore.

01:04. For 3 hours I have been looking at portraits with Him, rereading my diary and remembering our conversation on the way from the concert, so many pleasant memories from one walk.

03:52. Now my tablet has been taken away and I can't look at it. I need to sleep.

Bye, Diary.

Day 20.

Hello, Diary.

Today is November 30, 2068, Wednesday.

On the street -3, Sunny.

12:42. They returned the tablet to me, but they threatened to give it to my mother next time.

13:02. We made tests of the hormonal level and concentration of neurotransmitters. The results confirmed that I had a high level of adrenaline and a low amount of dopamine.

I was prescribed stabilizers again.

14:37. My mother came in and brought my things, she didn't sleep last night and tried to hide it with makeup. Worry about me.

15:01. Yuna called, she and a couple of classmates is going to visit me and will be there by 16: 00.

18: 39. I was not allowed to go out and walk with the people, so we sat in the reception area, they brought many Goodies for me.

The school, during my absence, managed to recruit students to the Council, select a Chapter and hold a disco in honor of this. And tomorrow our class will go on an excursion to Dei lacrimas, the name of which means God's tears. Yuna promised to show the waterfall on a video call.

I wanted to draw Dei lacrimas from life, but it probably won't happen this year.

20:43. He came to me after training and gave me forget-me-nots. I only mentioned it once, but He remembered.

We talked to Him until the time was up, and then continued the conversation through the window of my room. It was getting cold outside, so I told Him to go home, or we'd be in the hospital together.

21:33. * Change password 112668 to 113068. *

22:52. I can't sleep. You need to ask the nurse for sleeping pills.

23:05. They did not want to give me a sedative, they said that they did not have the right to provide medicines without the testimony of the attending doctor, so I had to disturb the psychologist.

Now the medicine is already starting to work.

Bye, Diary.

Day 21.

Hello, Diary.

Today is December 2, 2068, Friday.

On the street -6, snow.

06:32. Yesterday, He came to me after a competition where he took first place in the steeplechase and second in the long jump.

This time, He was able to persuade the nurse to let me go outside, and I took the opportunity to take my tablet with me.

We were walking in the square near the hospital. Then I was tired and sat down on a bench, and He asked me to draw a picture of him. He really liked the result, although there were better works than this one, and then gave us the address of his blog so that we could correspond.

Then our walk continued until the time ran out.

I am happy that He is worried about me and often visits me.

11:31. I'll be released on the sixth, and I'll let Him and my mother know.

12:48. Rowley calls every 3 hours and asks about my health, brings me sweets every day. They're all I eat here.

She was very scared when I passed out during the walk, so she doesn't mention the compatibility test or Emet anymore.

14:52. Yuna showed me the waterfall. It is incredibly beautiful, especially the rainbow next to it. I wish I could have gone with my classmates.

The people are worried about me and wished me a speedy recovery.

15:01. I took a picture of our family for medallions in honor of the anniversary. On December 15, parents will take the test again.

16: 29. My dad came to pick me up and took me for a couple of hours. We stopped at my favorite cafe and bought doughnuts. I finally got out of the hospital walls.

17:36. Nora said she and Mary would visit me tomorrow. We hadn't seen each other since my birthday, so I missed them.

19:47. He came to me again and brought me another bouquet. We didn't go for a walk, but we still chatted until the end of reception time.

I hope He doesn't have any problems with his lessons because of me.

22:42. I need to go to sleep soon, so that the new day will come earlier, and I will see my niece.

Bye, Diary.

Day 22.

Hello, Diary.

Today is December 3, 2068, Saturday.

On the street -5, clear.

10:24. I am glad that He comes to me every day, brings me his favorite sweets, and in his spare time writes to me on the blog. I don't want it to stop.

13: 42. Mary and Nora will arrive after 15: 00 and take me home.

14:27. I told Rowley I wouldn't be in the hospital. She sounded sad during the call, but when I asked her why, she said it was all right.

15:33. My niece really liked the portrait I drew, and my sister promised to print it out and hang it at home.

15:42. We stopped at a pizza place.

16: 48. Becky has grown up, now she really looks like a cloud. Mary showed them all the commands they had learned in class.

I think they will be able to win a prize in the competition.

21:32. After a snack,

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