Update the Diary - Майго




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go to a concert. After school, a couple of people came up to me, they said they were going to this performance, and they would be happy to have my company. They also want to report my extra ticket to a friend from the technical class who didn't have time to buy it, which solves the problem.

One less problem, but I didn't have time to tell Him. Now I will meet new people, they are kind of funny people. They will definitely not be boring.

16: 23. Recently called Mary, told, what Becky smart and quickly remembers all the commands, so next month, they will participate in the dog competition.

18:12. Rowley writes to me every day. Now we don't see each other at school, because it was transferred to the class of the iconic image of a person. But this building is closer to the EOPQ, where Emet is studying, and she is very happy about it.

19:32. I do not part with the graphics tablet. I want to know all his abilities.

20:48. My parents' wedding anniversary is coming up. I think we should surprise them, draw a picture of our family, and then put it in the medallions. We'll always be there for you.

20:51. I haven't been going to the Park lately. In the evenings, I get very dizzy. The good news is that I don't have any dreams, which means that everything is still normal.

Bye, Diary.

Day 17.

Hello, Diary.

Today is November 26, 2068, Saturday.

On the street +1, clear.

10:11. Yesterday, the people and I went to the entertainment center and played all the slot machines there. We also had a virtual battle with students from the class of artistic image of technology.

Before the start, we divided into pairs to cover each other, and assigned duty officers near the base, as if this is not a game, but a real battle.

When comrades were taken hostage and we released them. It was a lot of fun.

12:56. Yuna called me and told me that at 17:35 we were going to a cafe and going to a concert. Last time we did not have a person with us who they promised to offer a free ticket, but they said that he would definitely come today.

15:37. Rowley is riding motorcycles with Emet this weekend.

His parents gave him a ticket for driving lessons, and on his birthday, they will buy him a bike.

I think they'll go on a tour all over the mainland after that.

16:43. I'm ready for fun. Wish me luck.

17:31. He’s here!

Day 18.

Hello, Diary.

Today is Sunday, November 27, 2068.

It's -3 outside, cloudy.

03: 36. * Change password 111868 to 112668. *

06: 39. We were at a concert together, I don't believe it. Was I dreaming?

We talked and danced to the songs of our favorite band. We were so close to each other.

After the performance, the people began to disperse, and He asked where I live and decided to spend it.

On the way, we talked about the theory of the probability of a meteorite falling on our city, about infinity. He even suggested that our world is just an invention!

I wish my home was on the other side of the universe.

Now, thinking about It, I can't sleep, and in 4 hours I have to go to school.

07:53. He shook hands with me.

12:58. My classmates invited me to lunch. He was with them, so I agreed.

16:10. Rowley said that tomorrow the photo club needed a model to practice portraiture, and she suggested my candidacy.

17:52. Lessons are done, I'll walk to the Park.

20:43. We met him.

He was returning from training when I was making sketches of another Bush with birds. He liked my drawings very much and asked to see my portfolio. It's a good thing I transferred all his portraits to another storage device before I left. After that, He saw me off again.

This can't be real! I've been watching him for 28 months, but why is he paying attention to me now?

21:32. I have a terrible headache. Mom called an ambulance. I don't want to go back to the hospital, because We've only just started building a normal relationship.

Day 19.

Hello, Diary.

Today is November 29, 2068, Tuesday.

On the street -5, deg.

06:36. After arriving at the hospital, I was prescribed a full body scan and put on an IV, then I fell asleep, and my mother went home.

I was just woken up for Breakfast.

08:42. I had an additional scan of the brain and spinal cord, and checked the sensitivity of neurons and the speed of transmission of nerve impulses.

No abnormalities were detected based on the scan results. The sensitivity of the neurons is slightly increased, as is the rate of transmission of impulses, so I was prescribed light sedatives.

15:36. A psychologist came and I had to tell him everything about Him. As a result, the doctor assigned me tests of hormone levels and concentration of neurotransmitters.

16:57. Rowley called, wanted to go to a photo club together, but when she found out that I was in the clinic, she immediately changed her plans and is going to visit me.

I asked her to stop by my house and bring me a graphics tablet.

19:31. Again, she didn't say that she was bringing Emet with her.

We took a walk around the hospital grounds, and they said that in honor of the month of relationships, they did a compatibility test, the result of which is 94%. The system offered to marry them, but they refused.

I couldn't believe it for a long time. I thought they were just joking and trying to cheer me up, but Rowley showed me the test report with the stamp of authenticity.

After that, I felt sick. I don't remember if I went to the ward or if they

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