Update the Diary - Майго




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is growing!

I'll buy her a big stuffed penguin and a radio-controlled car. I'm sure she'll be happy with this gift.

18:57. It's time to do a psychology project.

Bye, Diary.

Day 5.

Hello, Diary.

Today is November 3, 2068, Thursday.

On the street +4, cloudy.

11:55. The mandatory professional aptitude test will take place next week. I need to do additional tasks in genetics and quantum physics if I want to be on the same level as Him.

16:29. He goes to a tutor on the harmony of color and sound, this is one of the subjects that I study in depth.

Can I send him my notes?

18:54. Rowley will be preparing for the test with Emet.

I hope she can learn the theory of aerodynamics; otherwise, she'll end up in another class again.

19:31. It's time to prepare your lessons.

Bye, Diary.

Day 6.

Hello, Diary.

Today is November 5, 2068, Saturday.

It's +5 outside, cloudy.

12:03. Yesterday, my sister gave a great party for Mary.

It all started in a cafe. There were invited friends of the niece and animators who conducted competitions and quizzes. I am glad that she will have good memories of this holiday, because last year's event left only longing.

After the morning celebration, we went to the identification Department. Mary chose her father's last name, and then she was implanted with an identity chip.

Then the party continued in the sister's new home.

Mary was inundated with gifts. My aunt and uncle gave her a big doll in a puffy dress, my grandmother a red sundress with ruffles, and my parents gave her dog toys and a collar. I was as surprised as Mary, who had never owned a dog.

But when Nora returned to the room with her gift, everything fell into place.

Our dream came true about a cloud, big, fluffy, and warm, with beautiful black eyes and a cute face.

We spent the rest of the day walking with Mary and Becky (I suggested the nickname). We were having fun.

15:45. We returned home. I want to clean up the gallery and print out a couple of photos for the album.

Photo albums are very rare nowadays. I like to look at them when I get bored. Maybe in the future these albums will be the only reminder of me.

16: 22. Rowley rarely calls me lately, which is not surprising.

I hope she's having a good time with Emet.

20:48. Genetics has been studied, but there are still problems in quantum physics.

I hope it also passed the harmony of color and sound.

01:32. That's all for today, I'm tired.

Bye, Diary.

Day 7.

Hello, Diary.

Today is Tuesday, November 8, 2068.

On the street +3, windy.

08:53. Tomorrow will be MPAT (mandatory professional aptitude test).

10:52. He looks calm, but I know that this person is actually very worried about the test and prepares for it at night.

I hope it doesn't make Him ill again.

11:57. Rowley seems very happy, and in rare moments of our communication only talks about Emet.

14:59. *Update the status of Emet. *

He goes swimming with Rowley, and is studying to become a computer programmer at an institution.

*Complement: *

– Likes: horror movies, motorcycles and cars, rock, black, sweets (especially white chocolate.

Doesn't like: queues, quests, furies, classical music, and traditions).

Fears: getting lost in an unfamiliar place, being left without a phone, losing memory, amputations. —

His height is 178 cm, weight 63 kg; he watches his figure, because he believes that girls like his appearance.

Emet is rather inattentive and absent-minded. He can't concentrate on one topic and never finishes his thought. Because of this, he has problems with language logic and speech culture. —

* End of status update. *

20:18. I went to the store for coffee and stayed in the Park, again. I can't leave until I see the lights go out in His room.

02:27. That's it for today, wish me luck on the MPAT.

Bye, Diary.

Day 8.

Hello, Diary.

Today is Wednesday, November 9, 2068.

It's +1 outside, cloudy.

09:38. I was very tired, but my efforts were not in vain. The quantum physics problems were exactly the ones I was preparing for. And on genetics were quite easy questions. I want to go up a step to be closer to Him. But he was nowhere to be seen today. I hope He's all right.

11:27. Rowley left immediately after testing. We usually celebrated together in a cafe after the MPAT.

15:56. Tomorrow I will have a medical check-up all day, after which I will not see Him for 180 hours. I'll go to the Park.

19:42. Rowley doesn't return my calls.

22:53. He didn't come home.

23:01. My head starts to spin. I need to tell the neurologist tomorrow, or I'll have more dreams.

Bye, Diary.

Day 9.

Hello, Diary.

Today is November 12, 2068, Saturday.

On the street +2, Sunny.

10:41. Mary often sends photos with Becky.

Nora says they even sleep in the same bed, which is very nice. Also, the niece goes together with her pet to classes with a dog handler. Now this plush cloud learns to protect its owner.

15:44. He's going to spend the week off with his relatives. It will be good for His health, but I already miss it.

16:53. A few words about the last medical examination.

My body is stable.

The neurologist recommended that you sign up for swimming, and the psychotherapist recommended that you spend more time with your peers.

17:13. We'll go to grandma's tonight. She said I'd have a surprise waiting for me.

18:54. Rowley still doesn't answer me.

23:49. That's all for today, it's time to get ready.

Bye, Diary.

Day 10.

Hello, Diary.

The weather is beautiful today, and I'm in a great mood.

18:26. My grandmother's surprise is a collection of quotes recorded half a century ago, which she found while cleaning the attic.

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