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Избранные работы по истории культуры - Клайв Стейплз Льюис




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I thee preye.


Там же, 656 сл., 638 сл., 890—966; II, 1023—1043.


Там же, I, 813—819:

What? Shulde be therfor fallen in despeyr,

Or be recreauntfor his owene tene,

Or sleen him‑self al be his lady fayr?

Kay, nay, but ever in oon be fresh and grene

To serve and love his dere hertes quene,

And thenke it is a guerdoun hir to serve

A thousandfold more than he can deserve.


Там же, 20, 246 сл.; II, 22—49, 666 сл.


Там же, III, 964.


Там же, 1135:

For ought I can espyen,

This light, nor I ne serven here of nought.


Там же, 1555 сл.


Там же, III, 737.


Там же, 248—273:

But wo is те, that I, that cause al this,

May thenken that she is my nece dere,

And I hir eem, and traitor eeky‑fere!


Там же, I, 3.


Там же, V, 200; 616–627.


Там же, II, 23:

and wordes tho

That hadden prys, now wonder nyce and straunge

Us thinketh hem; and yet they spake hem so,

And spedde as wel in love as men now do.


Confessio amantis, Prol. 17:

go the middel weie And wryte a bok betwen the tweie,

Somwhat of lust, somewhat of lore.


Confessio amantis, Prol. 881 et seq. Любовь и Вражда Эмпедокла были известны Средневековью благодаря Аристотелю (Метафизика, I, IV) и другим источникам; ср.: Данте. Божественная комедия, Ад, XII, 42.


Исповеди в «Романе» Гауэр не обязан ничем, за исключением, возможно, имени Гения и его сана.


[Чосер. Анелида и Архит, 18:] Singest with vois memonal in the shade…


Confessio amantis, II, 2259:

The dates gon, the уeres pass,

The hertes waxen lasse and lasse.


Ibid., V, 83:

Fy on the bagges in the kiste!

I haddeynogh, if I hire kiste.


Ibid., VI, 1261: Who dar do thing which Love ne dar?


Ibid., Prol, 141:

The hevene wot what is to done,

Bot we that duelle under the mone

Stonde in this world upon a weer.


Ibid, III, 1470:

For he your heste hath kept and served,

And was yong and I bothe also:

Helas, why do ye with ous so?


Ibid, III, 1829:

To se the wilde beste wone

Wher whilom duelte a mannes sone.


Ibid, V, 3739:

Sche preide, and seide «0 God him spede

The kniht which hath mi maidenhiede?»


Ibid., VII, 1937:

Into the chambre and whan sche cam

Hire housebonde anon sche nam

In bothe hire armes and him kiste,

And spak unto him what hire liste.


Ibid., VII, 4967.


Ibid., VIII, 861:

forto thenken al hirfille

Sche hield hire ofte times stille

Withinne hir chambre.


Ibid., IV, 1292:

It thoghte hir fair, and seide, «Here

I wole abide under the schawe»,

And bad hire wommen to withdrawe,

And ther sche stod al one stille

To thenke what was in hir wille.


Ibid., IV, 1321: The beaute faye upon her face.


The beaute of hire face schon

Wei bryhtere than the cristall ston.


Ibid., VIII, 2224:

Ferst to Nature if that I me compleigne,

Ther finde I hou that every creature

Som time ayer hath love in his demeine,

So that the litel wrenne in his mesure

Hath yit of kinde a love under his cure;

And I hot on desire; of which I misse:

And thus, hot I, hath every kinde his blisse.


Ibid., IV, 3208 et seq.:

And thus whan that thi liht is faded

And Vesper schemeth him alofte,

And that the nyht is long and softe,

Under the cloudes derke and stille

Thanne hath this thing most of his wille…

Withdrawgh the banere of thin armes,

And let thi lyhtes ben unborn,

And in the signe of Capricorn,

The hous appropred to Satome,

I preie that thou wolt sojome,

Where ben the nihtes derke and longe…

That thou thi swifte horse restreigne

Lowe under erthe in Occident,

That thei towardes Orient

Be cercle go the longe weie.


Ibid., II, 836:

stille with a prive lyht

As he that wolde noght awake

His wify he hath his weie take

Into the chambre.


Ibid., VI, 2153:

And tho began the king awake

And sigheth for his wyves sake

Wher as he lay…


Ibid., V, 3800.


Ibid., VIII, 1928.


Up to the sky he caste his lok

And syh the wind was covenable.


Ibid., Ill, 981 et seq.


Ibid., IV, 3063.


Ibid., V, 3299:

The wynd was good, the schip was у are,

Thei tok

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