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Обыграй дилера. Победная стратегия игры в блэкджек - Эдвард О. Торп




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12. Fox Phillip G. (as told to Stanley Fox). A Primer for Chumps // Saturday Evening Post. November 21, 1959. P. 31ff.

13. Frey Richard L. According to Hoyle. Fawcett Publications, Inc., Greenwich, Conn., 1956.

14. Furst Doctor Bruno. The Practical Way to a Better Memory. Fawcett Publications, Inc., Greenwich, Conn., 1957.

15. Garcia Frank. Marked Cards and Loaded Dice. Prentice-Hall, Inc., N. Y., 1962.

16. Goodman Mike. How to Win at Cards, Dice, Races and Roulette. Holloway House Publishing Co., Los Angeles, 1963.

17. Greenspun Hank. Where I Stand // Las Vegas Sun. January 26, 1962. P. 1.

18. Huff Darrell. The Mathematics of Sex, Gambling and Insurance. Harper & Brothers, N. Y., 1959.

19. Jones Jack. Golden Nugget Gaming Guide. Silver State Publishing Co., Las Vegas, 1949.

20. Jones Strat (AP). Thorp’s Book Brings About Vegas Shakeup // Las Cruces Sun-News. April 3, 1964. P. 1.

21. Katcher Leo. The Big Bankroll; the Life and Times of Arnold Rothstein. Harper & Brothers, N. Y., 1959.

22. K. C. Card Co. Forty-second Anniversary Blue Book, 1960, Chicago, 1959.

23. KELLY J. L. A New Interpretation of Information Rate // IRE Transactions on Information Theory. Vol. IT-2. No. 3. September, 1956; Bell System Tech. J. 1956. Vol. 35, 917–926.

24. Mobster Swears Gang Boss Has Interests in Las Vegas // Las Cruces Sun-News. October 1, 1963. P. 1.

25. Silver Slipper Raided // Las Vegas Review-Journal. April 4, 1964. P. 1.

26. State Casinos Change Rules on «21» Games // Las Vegas Review-Journal. April 2, 1964. P. 1.

27. Las Vegas Sun, January 25 and 27, 1961.

28. U.S. to Smash Mob-Ruled LV Casinos // Las Vegas Sun. January 29, 1962. P. 1.

29. Lewis Oscar. Sagebrush Casinos: The Story of Legal Gambling in Nevada. Doubleday & Co., Inc., N. Y., 1953.

30. Senators Survey Low-Belly Strippers // Life. September 1, 1961. P. 39.

31. Can YOU Beat Blackjack? // Los Angeles Herald Examiner. June 10, 1962. P. H1.

32. Crooked Dice Charge; Vegas Casino Closed. First Case of Cheating in Nevada (sic) // Los Angeles Herald Examiner. April 4, 1964. P. 1.

33. Federal Extortion Case May Link Las Vegas Gambling to Underworld // Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1964. P. 1.

34. Vegas Casinos Cry Uncle, Change Rules // Los Angeles Times. April 2, 1964.

35. Macdougall Michael. Even «Honest» Vegas House Cheats // Sunday Star-Ledger, Newark, New Jersey. December 2, 1962. P. 35.

36. Macdougall Michael. Macdougall on Dice and Cards. Coward-mccann, Inc., N. Y., 1944.

37. Macdougall Michael. Nevada Trumps a Blackjack Dealer // Sunday Star-Ledger. Newark, New Jersey. April 19, 1964. Section 2. P. 2.

38. McKinsey John C. Introduction to the Theory of Games. Mcgraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., N. Y., 1952.

39. Miami News. January 25, 1961. P. 6A.

40. Monroe Keith. William Harrah: The New Gambling King, and the Social Scientists // Harper’s. January, 1962.

41. The Nation. February 4, 1961.

42. Gambling: Hello Suckers // Newsweek. September 4, 1961. P. 22ff.

43. New York Herald Tribune, January 29, 1961. P. 1, 24.

44. Computer Beats House at ‘21’ in Las Vegas // New York Journal American. November 15, 1963. P. 1.

45. How Wizard of Odds Beat Las Vegas Cards // New York Journal American. April 3, 1964. P. 1.

46. Las Vegas: Gambling Take Creates New Force in U. S.; Millions in Untaxed «Black Money» Give Obscure Figures Power that Extends from Underworld to Government // New York Times. Western Edition. November 18, 1963.

47. Best Seller List // New York Times Book Review, April 19 and May 3.

48. Olsen Ed. Letter to the Editor // Life. April 17, 1964. P. 27.

49. O’Neil Paul. The Professor Who Breaks the Bank // Life. March 27, 1964. P. 80–91.

50. Ore Oystein. Cardano, The Gambling Scholar [с приложением книги Кардано «Об азартных играх», пер. с лат. на англ. Sidney Henry Gould]. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J., 1953. P. 132–134.

51. Crimes (Intelligence Report) // Parade Sunday Magazine. August 25, 1963.

52. Poincare Henri. Science and Method. Trans. Francis Maitland. Dover Publications, Inc., N. Y., 1958. (На рус. яз.: Пуанкаре Г. Наука и метод / Пер. И. К. Брусиловского. Одесса: Mathesis, 1910 и позднейшие переиздания.)

53. Radner Sidney H. How to Spot Card Sharps and Their Methods. Key Publishing Co., N. Y., 1957.

54. A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates. The Rand Corporation, Free Press of Glencoe, Illinois, 1955.

55. Reid Ed and Demaris Ovid. The Green Felt Jungle. Trident, N. Y., 1963. (Обновленное и дополненное издание – Pocket Books, Inc., N. Y., 1964.) Все ссылки относятся к дополненному изданию карманного формата.

56. Riddle Major A. as told to Hyams Joe. The Weekend Gambler’s Handbook. Random House, N. Y., 1963.

57. Robb Inez. Bets Are Off // New York World-Telegram and Sun. February 7, 1961.

58. Scarne John. Scarne’s Complete Guide to Gambling. Simon and Shuster, Inc., N. Y., 1961.

59. Scherman David E. It’s Bye! Bye! Blackjack // Sports Illustrated, January 13, 1964.

60. How to Beat the Game // Scientific American. April, 1961. P. 84.

61. Sheinwold Alfred. It’s in the Cards: Blackjack – Counting the Cards // Argosy. August, 1961.

62. Sherman Gene. «Off The Top» Plagues Gambling Authorities. Pocketing Money Without Being Reported for Tax Purposes Called Impossible to Prove // Los Angeles Times. October 28, 1963.

63. The Univac «21» Formula for Standing or Drawing // Showboat Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada.

64. Smith Harold S. I Want to Quit Winners. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1961.

65. Calculated Risk // Sports Illustrated. February 6, 1961. P. 4, 5.

66. Steen Joan. Exposing Crooked Gambler’s Tricks // Popular Science Monthly, January, 1962. P. 61ff.

67. Thorp Edward O. Fortune’s Formula: The Game of Blackjack // Notices of the American Mathematical Society. December, 1960. P. 935–936.

68. Thorp Edward O. A Favorable Strategy for Twenty-One // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 47, No. 1. P. 110–112 (1961).

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