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12-недельная гимнастика для мозга. Как начать жить более осознанно, избавиться от беспокойства и больше успевать - Ваутер де Йонг




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experimental longitudinal intervention to boost well-being.’ Emotion 11.2 (2011): 391.

140 Giltay, Erik, et al. ‘Dispositional optimism and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in a prospective cohort of elderly Dutch men and women.’ Archives of General Psychiatry 61.11 (2004): 1126-35.

141 Mount, Joan. ‘Depression among lawyers.’ The Colorado Lawyer 33 (2004): 35-7.

142 Piper, Alan T. ‘Zukunftsangst Fear of (and hope for) the future and its impact on life satisfaction.’ SOEPpaper No. 706, November 2014. Доступно на SSRN: ssrn.com/abstract=2533882 or http://dx.doi. org/10.2139/ssrn.2533882.

143 Oettingen, Gabriele, Hyeon-ju Pak and Karoline Schnetter. ‘Selfregulation of goal-setting: Turning free fantasies about the future into binding goals.’ Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 80.5 (2001): 736.

144 Meevissen, Yvo, Madelon Peters and Hugo Alberts. ‘Become more optimistic by imagining a best possible self: Effects of a two week intervention.’ Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 42.3 (2011): 371-8.

145 Abramson, Lyn, Martin Seligman and John Teasdale. ‘Learned helplessness in humans: Critique and reformulation.’ Journal of Clinical Psychology 87.1 (1978): 49-4.

146 Hanson, Rick. Geheugen voor geluk. Neem het goede in je op voor een beter leven. Utrecht: Publisher Ten Have, 2014.

147 Diener, Ed and Martin Seligman. ‘Very happy people.’ Psycho logical Science 13.1 (2002): 81-4.

148 Lyubomirsky, Sonja, Laura King and Ed Diener. ‘The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success?’ Psychological Bulletin 131.6 (2005): 803-55.

149 Вдохновлено работой Jane Dutton and Emily Heaphy. ‘The power of high-quality connections.’ In Cameron, Kim S., Jane E. Dutton and Robert E. Quinn. Positive organizational scholarship: Foundations of a New Discipline. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2003: 263-78.

150 Scherwitz, L. and J. C. Canick. ‘Self-reference and coronary heart disease.’ In Houston, B.K. and J.C. Canick (eds). Type A Behavior Pattern: Research, Theory, and Intervention. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998: 146-67.

151 Zimmermann, Johannes, et aL ‘The way we refer to ourselves reflects how we relate to others: Associations between first-person pronoun use and interpersonal problems.’ Journal of Research in Personality 47.3 (2013): 218-25.

152 Stark, Kio. Hoe praten met vreemdenje leven kan veranderen. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2016.

153 Готтман, Джон. 7 принципов счастливого брака, или Эмоциональный интеллект в любви. ОДРИ, 2018.

154 Centerwall, Brandon S. ‘Television and violence: The scale of the problem and where to go from here.’ JAMA 267.22 (1992): 3059-63.

155 Bohnet, Iris and Richard Zeckhauser. ‘Trust, risk and betrayal.’ Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 55.4 (2004): 467484.

156 Zak, Paul. The Moral Molecule: The New Science of What Makes Us Good or Evil. London: Random House, 2013. Berg, Joyce, John Dick-haut and Kevin McCabe. ‘Trust, reciprocity, and social history.’ Environment and Behavior 10.1 (1995): 122-42.

157 Кови, Стивен. Разумное доверие. Попурри, 2013. Raj Raghunatha. Als je zo slim bent waarom ben je dan niet gelukkig. Amsterdam: Business Contact, 2015: 218-23.

158 История из документального фильма «Честность – вся правда о лжи». Salty Features, 2015.

159 Термин Дачера Келтнера.

160 Подробный анализ читайте в книге: Коллинз, Джим. От хорошего к великому. Почему одни компании совершают прорыв, а другие нет… МИФ, 2017. Келтнер, Дачер. Парадокс власти. Как обретают и теряют влияние. Аз бука-Аттикус, 2016.

161 Для подтверждения этого многие исследования процитированы в книге Noelle Nelson, Make More Money by Making Your Employees Happy (Malibu: MindLabPublishing, 2012).

162 Kopelman, Shirli, Ashleigh Shelby Rosette and Leigh Thompson. ‘The three faces of Eve: Strategic displays of positive, negative, and neutral emotions in negotiations.’ Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 99.1 (2006): 81-101.

163 Kohn, Alfie. No Contest. The Case against Competition. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1992.

164 Titmuss, Richard. The Gift Relationship: From Human Blood to Social Policy. New York: Guilford Press, 1997: 339. Эксперимент был повторно подтвержден в 2008 году в Mellstrom, Carl and Magnus Johannesson. ‘Crowding out in blood donation: Was Titmuss right?’ Journal of the European Economic Association 6.4 (2008): 845-63.

165 Schwartz, Carolyn and Rabbi Meir Sendor. ‘Helping others helps oneself: Response shift effects in peer support.’ Social Science & Medicine 48.11 (1999): 1563-75.

166 Основано на сюжетной линии из сериала «Фарго».

167 Dunn, Elizabeth and Michael Norton. Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2014.

168 www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm-T3HCa618 (8 апреля, 2017).

169 Koike, Takahiko, et al. ‘Neural substrates of shared attention as social memory: A hyperscanning functional magnetic resonance imaging study.’ NeuroImage 125 (2016): 401-12.

170 www.nytimes.com/2015/01/ll/fashion/modern-love-to-fall-in-love-with-anyone-do-this.html?_r=2 (16 августа, 2017).

171 Gable, Shelly, et al. ‘What do you do when things go right? The intrapersonal and interpersonal benefits of sharing positive events.’ Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 87.2 (2004): 228-45.

172 Там же.

173 Korthagen, Fred and Ellen Nuijten. Krachtgericht coachen. Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers, 2015.

174 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microexpression (9 мая, 2017).

175 Более подробную технику ищите в книге: Бранден, Натаниэль. Шесть столпов самооценки. МИФ, 2018.

176 Взято из Ben-Shahar, TaL Gelukkiger. Amsterdam: Archipel, 2008.

177 Carver, Ronald, Raymond Johnson and Herbert Friedman. ‘Factor analysis of the ability to comprehend time-compressed speech.’ Journal of Literacy Research 4.1 (1971): 40-9.

178 История навеяна рассказом, прочитанным Джеком Корнфилдом на его летних ретритах.

179 Навеяно Ben-Shahar, TaL Gelukkiger. Amsterdam: Archipel, 2008.

180 Luthans, Fred. ‘Positive organizational behavior: Developing and managing psychological strengths.’ The Academy of Management Executive 16.1 (2002): 57–72. Также посмотрите Clifton, Donald and James Harter. ‘Investing in strengths.’ In Cameron, Kim S., Jane E. Dutton and Robert E. Quinn. Positive Organizational Scholarship: Foundations of a New Discipline. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2003: 111-21.

181 Peterson, Christopher and Martin Seligman. Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification, part 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.

182 Seligman, Martin, et al. ‘Positive psychology progress: Empirical validation of interventions.’ American Psychologist 60.5 (2005): 410-21.

183 Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. De weg naar flow. Amsterdam: Boom Konin-klijke Uitgevers.

184 Adams, Susan. ‘Unhappy employees outnumber the happy by two to one.’ Forbes 10 (9 мая, 2017), www.forbes.com/sites/susanad-ams/2013/10/10/unhappy-employees-outnumber-happy-ones-by-two-to-one-worldwide/# Ica4f519362a.

185 www.independent.co.uk/life-style/british-people-work-days-lifetime-overtime-quit-job-survey-study-a8556146.html.

186 Wrzesniewski, Amy, et al. ‘Jobs, careers, and callings: People’s relations to their work.’ Journal of Research in Personality 31.1 (1997): 21–33.

187 Ибарра, Эрминия. Обретая Я. Неординарные стратегии, изменяющие карьеру. Стокгольмская школа экономики, 2005.

188 Norcross, John, Marci Mrykalo and Matthew Blagys. ‘Auld lang Syne: Success predictors, change processes, and self-reported outcomes of New Year’s resolvers and nonresolvers.’ Journal of Clinical Psychology 58.4 (2002): 397–405.

189 Баумайстер, Рой и Джон Тирни. Сила воли. Возьми свою жизнь под контроль. Бомбора, 2019.

190 Там же.

191 Шварц, Барри. Парадокс выбора. Как принимать решения, о которых мы не

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